EDeL Session

Energetic revitalization
The golden EDeL session by Tanija : Energetic doping increases love of life Personal energetic inspiration session to revitalize and raise vibration.

Clear the stage for you and your life – with EDeL Session



Doping – revitalization

What if, through a gentle inspiration of your body, energy field and being, you could awaken the memory of who you really are and what you are capable of living, being and receiving?

May I open the space with you to the energy, potential and vibration that you truly are?

The key to you

Energetic session that reminds, opens, nourishes, raises your vibration and mood.

Wellness treatment that envelops you with love and turns on your light.

A journey to the creative energy, living magic , and intuitive genius that you are in origin.

Energetic vitalization

EDeL Session =
Energetic doping increases lust for life

Personal energetic inspiration session to revitalize and raise vibration.

The inspiration to prosperity

Upgrade for your joy of life, your consciousness, your ability to receive – you and the weightless abundance of life.

Get your personal EDeL session

Discover the energetic possibilities for you and your potential. Experience the revitalization and inspiration on your own body !

Wine and beverage refinement - EDeL Dropstop

The inspiration to prosperity

EDeL Session provides invigoration & impetus to:

Clarity, insight, opening of the view for the essentials

Self-knowledge / self-awareness

Connection with your own heart and vision

Entering new levels of consciousness

Vibration increase

Perception expansion

Connection with the power of love – all-encompassing love

Connection with the creative creative energy

Remembrance and connection to one’s own divinity

Memory and connection with the unity consciousness

Transformation / Dimension Change

Restoration of natural perfection, freedom and creativity

Opening new possibilities / abilities with the body

Energetic refinement - Hammer inspiration

Natural doping for you and your body


The golden EDeL session by Tanija : Energetic doping increases love of life Personal energetic inspiration session to revitalize and raise vibration.