The inspiration of the body to new possibilities



Clothing that inspires, liberates and invigorates

Energetically refined clothing

Clothing that inspires to perceive more, receive more, choose more and be more.




Energetic refined clothing

If you could be anything, what would it be?

Can you imagine there being clothing that inspires you to realize your ideas & visions and embody them?

What if we gave up the view of being limited by our body and instead dressed and emphasized it openly and with the energy of new possibilities ?

Are you ready to feel the magic that you actually are ?

Inspirational clothing

With unique energetic enhancement and enrichment, the clothing inspires you as you wear it to perceive more, receive more, let go more easily, be more and choose more.

Live and embody your magic

Experience the clothes that vibrate, uplift, invigorate, move, change, liberate, heal, transform and unleash you.

These clothes are the hammer !

Unique product innovation : Inspirational Clothing
by Hammer-Inspiration² ®

Energetic versatile processed and refined clothing

Visible in pictures, symbols, colors, words, questions (more about Symbols)

Invisible in enrichment of energies, vibrations / frequencies and information / key

Find the clothes that inspire you

Experience the inspiration clothing that inspires your body.

Hammer Inspiration - Inspiration Clothes - Energetic Finished Clothes

Caution ! These clothes could change your life if you choose to wear them.

It inspires and empowers the owner/wearer with its vibration to access their own source of consciousness and unlock new possibilities for the body.

Are you ready for it?

Are you ready to let go of what is no longer a contribution to you?

Are you ready to feel the magic that you actually are ?

Are you ready to perceive more, to receive more and to BE more ?

Hammer Inspiration - Inspiration Clothes - Energetic Finished Clothes

Inspirational clothing : clothing that makes alive and free


DETOX clothing - elated detoxification - The energetic inspiration of the body to let go.