Everything is energy - vibrating creative energy
Can you imagine that everything is original and ultimately energy? Also everything material and even the human being?
Many people find it rather difficult to keep an open mind as soon as words like energy and energizing come up, and likewise with the idea that everything is basically energy and just seems so solid to us.
It is no longer scientifically disputed that our material world does not really exist as we perceive it with our senses.
Rather, according to quantum physics everything we see as solid matter is actually
vibrating energy
which changes at every moment. We humans are no exception and thus a part of this fascinating vibrating energy.
Science agrees:“Everything is energy!“ – This statement came not only to the lips of scientists like Einstein, Heisenberg, Tesla, Planck, Broers and Dispenza.
If you want to understand the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.
Everything is energy! Align yourself with the frequency of the reality you desire and you create that reality. This is not a philosophy. That’s physics!
So what does this mean for us humans and the world we find ourselves in?
Everything is the opposite of what it appears to be ! &
Nothing is the opposite of what it appears to be !
Our mind is simply overwhelmed again and again by the infinite possibilities of our nature and the creative wonderful energy that we ourselves are. And he is rightly overwhelmed, because our world and we ourselves are so much more than can be grasped with our mind.
Creative Energy - Consciousness - Intuition - Love
What if we simply allow that we / our mind cannot grasp, explain and define a large part of ourselves ? How about not believing everything we think and don’t let ourselves be limited by our thinking, understanding, evaluating and comparing ?
What do you know without thinking ?
What do you perceive without being able to assign it ?
When we open our consciousness and perception (beyond the mind), we can perceive, receive and intuit the creative energy that we truly are.
We ourselves consist for the most part of “empty space” – energy that vibrates, that moves and is changeable and yet somehow holds everything together and from which new things emerge. It is creative energy – energy of oneness – consciousness – love energy – creative power
We are living magic, creative energy and intuitive genius.