Living beyond duality

Out of the matrix – into BEING !

Living Beyond Duality

What if we could just end the struggle, the division, the lack, the control, the tension, the programming, the distraction, the distortion, and more?

What if what makes our life difficult and exhausting and robs us of energy is not natural at all and does not have to BE?


Energetic refinement of body and living space by Hammer-Inspiration

Life Beyond Duality

Do you like to let go of the pressure, the heaviness, the tension, the evaluations, the inner conflict and the separation and dive back into the lightness of BEING, feel complete again and surrender to the natural flow of life and joy ?


Living beyond duality - out of the matrix Hammer-Inspiration to Detox Duality

Here are a few wonderful and simple options


– Natural miracle cures –
with symptoms of duality:

Let go while drinking and into natural balance with Detox coasters

Coasters with Detox symbols - Drinking into natural balance - Energetic Detox from Duality

Detox from duality with Magical You – Tattoos for the moment

Energetic Detox with Magical You - FUN Tattoo by Hammer-Inspiration

Inspiration to transform duality with energetic session

Hammer inspiration for the transformation of duality as a session HIT

Letting go of aspects of duality with inspiring liberating symbols

Inspirational empowering symbols by Hammer-Inspiration - Natural Doping & Detox Duality

What is duality and what is the use of letting it go ?

More clarity about duality


Distraction from life – diverting and distorting your energy

With the duality we divide ourselves and our world by evaluation into 2 parts and strive constantly for the “good” and the positively evaluated part. This takes a lot of life energy. Duality is like an artificial distraction from life, from our magic and the creativity that makes our lives flow and gives us energy.
See : Living Magic and Creative Energy

It is like a disconnection from the flow of life and from ourselves, through artificially created sideshows (two-dimensional spaces) where we fight with and against evaluations and lose energy.

Occupation of our brain with evaluating, judging, separating

As long as we are busy to evaluate, to interpret, to order, to recognize what is good and bad, we have no “time” to live and BE. We limit ourselves and use our energy to hold ourselves back and separate from US and from LIFE, instead of surrendering to the flow and fullness of life.

We shut ourselves in and shut ourselves out from life, from energy, from consciousness, from knowledge, and from our own truth and memory.

Read more about Duality and the difference from polarity

You want to know even more about the nature of duality, the effects on our lives and the real source of BEING ?
In this book everything is written in detail : Weightless Fillosophy – the memory of your genius

Weightless Philosophy of Abundance - The reminder of your ingenuity - Hammer-Inspiration